Cataracts are defined as any opacity of the lens. Cataracts are the leading cause of vision impairment in dogs worldwide. There are many causes of cataracts, however, in dogs, cataracts are typically either inherited or a result of diabetes. 75% of dogs with diabetes will develop cataracts within one year of diagnosis of diabetes, and all dogs with diabetes will eventually be diagnosed with cataracts. Unfortunately, there is currently no medication that can prevent or slow the progression of cataracts, and phacoemulsification with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation is the standard of care.
The key to success of cataract management is early diagnosis, monitoring, medications, and surgery. The earlier your dog has been seen by a veterinarian devoted to ophthalmic medicine, the better the success rate. Surgical success is typically 90% or higher if seen early!
Your loved one will be evaluated by one of our Board Certified Ophthalmologists and further diagnostics will be recommended. An electroretinogram (ERG) is needed in order to assess that your dog has adequate function of his/her retina. Additionally, an ocular ultrasound is needed to assure your dog’s retina is attached. These tests are necessary to achieve the best surgical outcome and vision for your loved one. In addition, your dog will need routine bloodwork performed prior to anesthesia to monitor for safety.
Phacoemulsification is the process used surgically to break up and remove the cataract. This is typically performed on one or both eyes, and is done under general anesthesia. Your pet will have its own surgeon and anesthetist.
After surgery, your pet’s intraocular pressures are monitored hourly for 5 hours and a complete examination is performed after surgery. Your pet will not need to stay the night in our hospital if it is not medically necessary. They can go home to be with you! Your loved one will go home with topical eye medications, oral antibiotics, and an E-Collar. In two weeks, your pet is seen again by the team at The Animal Eye Institute to evaluate vision and will be given a schedule of rechecks. Then it’s back to enjoying vision!
At The Animal Eye Institute, your pet will never have to spend the night, unless it is convenient for you. In addition, we always provide a complete estimate of costs and there are no additional testing fees that you will incur later. We know that our clientele is very cost conscious and we therefore do not perform unneeded testing. We are not a corporation, and therefore we work closely with you to provide medicine the way it should be provided....individually.
Cataract 60V Implant
Cataract Gallery